Written by: David Dozier
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The Biblical Requirements for Elders


The are many ways in which Apollyon attacks the Lord Christ, His Word and His true people; many are direct, but many more are subtle. "After all," the enemy reasons, "what better way to hamper the Lord's people than by convincing them that they serve Him, but in reality deny His Word in a myriad of careless, indirect and insidious ways." 

In this scenario, the Lord's people lose the war while enjoying the charade that they are immersed in the fight. How is this done? Very simply: appoint/elect/etc. men into the leadership of the assembly who are not biblically qualified. The church, in this scenario, collapses from the top down. It is a devilishly effective and efficient strategy that is active in most of the current conservative, evangelical churches in America.

The purpose of this series is to demonstrate from the Scriptures the full extent of the true, detailed and binding requirements for those men (not women!) who would rightly assume the management of the assembled people of God. In this series I present the detailed syntax, true meaning and application of the pivotal texts of 1 Tim 3.1-7 and Tts 1.5-9. As you read, it is my prayer that you'll also realize that nearly none of the so-called conservative, evangelical churches today has actually studied them in depth, much less to have faithfully implemented those requirements in their selection and appointment of their overseers.

The result of this grave carelessness is that the majority of churches that declare themselves to be "true" (that is, conservative, evangelical, vital, Bible-believing, Bible defending) are nothing more than sterile, lifeless facades of Christianity.

The series is presented in eight chapters:

  1. The Cheapening of the Office of the Elder
  2. The Greek Words Used
  3. The Tabular List of Requirements
  4. The Significance of the Predicate Accusative in 1 Tim 3 and Tts 1
  5. The Significance of the Present Tense in 1 Tim 3 and Tts 1
  6. The Significance of the Requirement of Children in 1 Tim 3 and Tts 1
  7. The Significance of Believing Children
  8. The Single Office of the Overseer
  9. Addendum 1: An Example of How Seminaries Dilute the Biblical Requirements for Elders